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Protecting Your Fur Family: Important Pet Fire Safety Tips – Wag Hotels

Protecting Your Fur Family: Important Pet Fire Safety Tips

No matter how safe you try to be, a fire emergency can take anyone by surprise. While working  to prevent a fire from happening is the best option, it’s not always possible. Practice and  prepare for an emergency situation so that you can act quickly to save yourself and your furry  family members during a fire.  

Plan Ahead 

Rescue Alert – Place a decal in your home’s front window with the number/type of pets you  have. This will help responders quickly locate all of your pets and is especially important if they  happen to be home alone when an emergency strikes.  

Tags – Always make sure the contact information on your four-legged family member‘s ID collar  and in the microchip database is up to date. Rescuers will need this information to get them  home quickly if they get lost! While microchips are an essential safety measure, tags instantly  provide your contact information without the need to go to a vet for a scan. Include relevant  allergy information on their tags to help them stay safe until they make it back home!  

Emergency Plan – Your pets are your family, so don’t forget to include them in your family  emergency plans and practice taking them with you. Know where they might hide when they get  scared and have a leash/crate ready by the door to quickly secure them in an emergency. If  your pup likes playing hard to catch, practice crate training to encourage them to run to the  safety of their crate in an emergency so you can easily swoop them up to exit or notify  firefighters of their location.  

Safety Kit – Create an emergency kit that you can grab on your way out. This should include  things like: 

• Leash, collar, or carriers for safe transport  

• Medications and Medical Records 

• Calming treats and chews  

• First aid equipment – gauze bandages, tape, tweezers, etc. 

Prevent Fires

Three Feet Rule – Pets are naturally curious and might do the exact opposite of what you’d  expect when faced with a candle, stove, or space heater. Never leave your dogs or cats  unattended around open flames! Always extinguish any fires before leaving your home and help  your pets maintain a distance of at least 3 feet from any open flames or hot surfaces using baby  gates, crates, leashes, or separate rooms. 

Secure Young Pets – As adorable as puppies and kittens are, they can quickly start a hazard  by chewing through electric wires, turning on stoves, or knocking over a candle. Keep your  newest fur babies away from any potential fire-starting situations when you are away from home  by securing them in a crate or behind baby gates in a safe area. Doggie daycare is a great  option for those hyper pups that need a safe place to explore while you’re out of the house.  

During A Fire 

Grab & Go – If safe to do so, attempt to grab your pet and exit the home as quickly as possible.  Grab leashes and carriers on your way out to ensure they cannot leave to try to escape the  chaotic environment. If you can’t quickly find your pet: exit the building, open the door, and call  to them repeatedly from a safe distance away. 

Emergency Responders – Once responders arrive, inform them that your pet is still inside so  that they can search for them. Let them know if there are any spots your furry friend is known to  hide in.  

Stay Calm – The worst thing you can do during a fire is panic! Take deep breaths and do your  best to remain calm so that you can focus on what you need to do next.  

Wag Hotels provides a premium 5-star hotel-style stay for your pets while you’re away. With 24/7 care and monitoring from on-site staff, it’s the safest place to stay & play! You’ll enjoy peace of mind with WagCam access, photo updates, and the knowledge that your furry family member is in good hands with our professional team, trained to provide the highest level of care and fun. Stop by to tour between 10 AM – 6 PM at any of our Wag Hotels locations: