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How Wag Hotels is Keeping Your Pets Safe Against Respiratory Illnesses – Wag Hotels

How Wag Hotels is Keeping Your Pets Safe Against Respiratory Illnesses

As recently as December 2023, a canine respiratory illness has been widely reported across the United States. Sensationalized as a “mystery illness” among news and social media outlets, veterinarians and researchers are referring to the illness as “atypical respiratory syndrome.” Affected dogs experience a longer, more severe disease course than typical canine cough cases.  

It’s important to note that Wag Hotels has not experienced any known cases, nor have we observed an increase in illness beyond our typical seasonal uptick. 

Though recent news might feel alarming, according to the University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine, “the intense media coverage may be raising awareness and discussion about [canine cough] CIRDC cases that would otherwise be managed as usual…”

While respiratory illnesses are nothing new, this “mystery illness” has prompted many of you to reach out with questions.  As advocates for quality pet care, we’re proud to share our approach.

Is it safe for my dog to attend Daycare?

Yes, like the human cold and flu season, it is common for dog communities to see a rise in respiratory-related illnesses during the summer and winter months. With that said, veterinarians recommend exercising precaution to avoid unnecessary risk:

  • Avoid high risk situations where you are unsure about the health status of other dogs in those environments. For example, avoid unvaccinated dogs by avoiding dog parks and dog walkers where unvaccinated dogs may interact with your dog.
  • Make sure your dog is up to date on their routine vaccinations.

What is Wag Hotels doing to protect dogs against respiratory illnesses?

Rest assured, at Wag Hotels, we take a proactive approach to keeping your four-legged companions safe. This includes taking steps to reduce the likelihood of respiratory illnesses entering and spreading among our guests. Here are the ways we keep your pet safe:

Before your pet arrives:

  • Familiar and trained team members: We work hard to train and retain our caregivers. This translates into friendly familiar faces that recognize you and your dog when you enter our hotels.
  • Sick animals not allowed: We do not allow dogs to enter our hotels who are showing signs of illness.
  • Firm vaccination policy: All guests entering our hotels must be vaccinated. This ensures all guests entering our hotels have the best individual protection against illness.
  • Science-based cleaning: Our cleaning protocols incorporate the latest cleaning recommendations from industry experts.

During your pet’s stay:

  • Community immunity: Our firm vaccination policy ensures that every guest is vaccinated. Collectively, this provides an additional layer of protection by minimizing the likelihood of illness spreading among vaccinated guests. 
  • Fresh air: Our buildings are designed with fresh air in mind.  
  • Private, cozy rooms:  Quality sleep promotes a healthy immune system.  At Wag, your dog always sleeps in their own private room with their own bed. If you’ve ever had to share a dorm room, you know how stressful a roommate can be. While dogs are social creatures, they enjoy quality nighttime rest just like you. 
  • Pet-friendly disinfectants: Our science-based cleaning utilizes pet-friendly disinfectants to effectively kill pathogens.
  • Proactive monitoring: All guests are regularly monitored for signs of illness.  If a guest should become sick while in our care, we will isolate them immediately, contact their parents and even transport them to a veterinarian for treatment if needed.
  • Specialty Equipment: We invest in care and cleanliness. Throughout our hotels you’ll find specialty equipment such as industrial grade washers & dryers, commercial-grade dish sanitizers, and high-pressure cleaning systems. Together with our trained staff, this equipment allows for a more thorough and consistent cleaning program.

After your pet’s stay:

  • Thorough cleaning: Our industry-leading cleaning program continues after your pet departs. We scrub and deep clean above and beyond our normal routine cleaning to ensure we are ready for your next visit.
  • Illness tracking: We monitor and record illnesses. This allows us to identify illness patterns early and take meaningful actions sooner.

How are respiratory illnesses spread?

Respiratory-related illnesses are spread via aerosolized microdroplets (like a sneeze) and through direct contact with other infected dogs and objects. The greatest risk is allowing your dog to interact with other dogs with an unknown vaccination history.

Researchers recommend that you avoid dog parks for now, as these can have unvaccinated dogs and an increased risk of disease spread. 


Common symptoms of respiratory illness including the “Mystery Illness” include:

  • Coughing
  • Sneezing
  • Labored breathing
  • Nose or eye discharge
  • Lethargy
  • Decreased appetite

We encourage pet parents to have any dogs exhibiting symptoms examined by a veterinarian. 

How concerned should I be with this new “mystery illness”?

Respiratory illnesses are nothing new for dog owners.  Experts say pet owners shouldn’t panic. “We really don’t want to panic about this,” said Patrick Carney, assistant professor of veterinary science at Cornell University says “It’s something we’re keeping our eye on but the numbers are not huge and the majority of dogs are doing well even if they develop disease.”

What Experts Are Saying

Questions or Concerns?

Feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns. Our team is happy to help!